despre ce se mănîncă în București - și cu ce se mănîncă Bucureștiul


Inapoi in timp: Anuarul ‘Socec’ al României Mari – 1925

… De citit tot in Biblioteca Congresului:

This two-volume address book for organizations and businesses throughout Romania was intended to be an annual but appears to have been published for the first time around 1923 as the 1923-24 edition, and later reprinted as editions for 1924-25 and 1925-26, but with no changes except for altering the edition years on the cover and title page. It stands as the most complete survey of Greater Romania during the interwar period.

The Library of Congress’s copy of Volume I, (Capitala) is the edition reprint with front cover dates 1925-1926 (title page date is simply 1925), though it most likely reflects information compiled around 1922-23. It covers Bucharest only, and its several parts have separate paginations, adding up to nearly 1,000 pages. Some 50,000 officials, professionals, and tradesmen are included. Part I lists government offices, directors, and upper management. Part II lists “Diverse Institutions” – religious, cultural, charities, schools, public assistance, hospitals, the press, societies, and circles and clubs. Part III, the largest section, covers commerce, industry, and the professions, including businesses, owners, professors, teachers, etc; it is preceded by a subject index in English, French, German and Romanian…

The Library of Congress’s copy of Volume II, (Provincia) is the edition reprint dated 1924-1925, though, like Volume I, it most likely reflects information compiled around 1922-23. It covers the rest of Romania other than Bucharest. Its several sections have separate paginations, adding up to over 2,200 pages. Nearly 350,000 officials, professionals, tradesmen, landowners, etc., are included. It begins with Part IV, Provinces of the Old Kingdom. Part V concerns The New Roumanian Annexed Provinces – Bucovina, Transilvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Basarabia. These parts are arranged by judet, then by city or commune. It lists organizations, businesses, directors, owners, etc…

Partea intii – Capitala

Partea a doua – Provincia

4 comments to Inapoi in timp: Anuarul ‘Socec’ al României Mari – 1925

  • Ma poate ajuta cineva sa gasesc certificatul de deces al lui Buding Carol?A cumparat ,in 1922, un loc de casa in TEs,plasa REcas-Timis-Torontal.In anuarul Socec la comuna TES este trcut la ,,proprietari: Buding Iosif.Mostenitorii”

  • giani

    la arhivele nationale din timisoara se trimit toate actele mai vechi de 80 de ani sau incearca la primarie — biserica acolo


    Efectuez cercetari pt. com. PAULESTI ,JUD. SATU MARE ,am gasit raspunsurile adecvate despre cele 5 sate ,mai lipseste insa loc. HRIP, HIRIP , care face parte tot din comuna ,va rog sa-mi comunicati datele daca le detineti pt. 1925 si eventual alti ani anteriori. Cu multumiri! Prof. STER GH.

  • Dora

    Cine ma poate ajuta cu sat ORBU din com GOHOR ? cercetez si eu disparitia sat ORBU ca si altii

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