despre ce se mănîncă în București - și cu ce se mănîncă Bucureștiul


doua roti bine, patru roti rau

Daca n-aveti nimic impotriva sa conduceti o bicicleta DHS, cumparati-o din Vitan cu pina la 30% mai ieftin decit in Carrefour, de exemplu.

Sint doua locuri (inainte si dupa pod): unul in incinta vechii fabrici de piine Vitan si celalalt intre intrarea in tirgul auto si Bricostore.

DHS face pina si carucioare de copii; si chiar daca am auzit destule voci spunind ca bicicletele lor nu fac doi bani, un DHS m-a dus peste tot in Bucuresti, ani buni, fara probleme.

6 comments to doua roti bine, patru roti rau

  • Probabil ca doi bani fac, eu sunt retinut, am avut cateva incidente cu DHS si First Bike iar cel mai nasol era ca bicicletele nu imi apartineau 🙂

  • Am mers cu un DHS obisnuit trei ani fara nici o problema; schimbatoarele, frinele si rotile au rezistat foarte bine. E drept ca apoi au inceput sa cedeze, dar cred ca pentru 2.000 de kilometri prin Bucuresti si-au facut datoria.

  • Harvey

    MEN who are long-distance cyclists may be ruining their hopes of having kids.
    A study showed those riding more than 180 miles a week had fewer than four per cent normal sperm.

    It means their chance of fatherhood is extremely low.

    Study leader Professor Diane Vaamonde, from the University of Cordoba, Spain, urged professional riders to consider freezing sperm at the start of their sporting careers so they could have kids later.
    Her team studied 15 professional triathletes.

    Their sperm quality declined as their cycling levels increased.

    But Professor Vaamonde stressed people cycling to work were NOT at risk.

    She said: “They normally cycle about 15 to 20 minutes and then have all day to recover.”

    And British fertility expert Dr Allan Pacey, from the University of Sheffield, said only endurance athletes should be concerned.

    Another study, by Holland’s Nijmegen University, showed men who used deodorants and moisturising creams had a sperm count five times lower than those who stayed sweaty.

    But they said it was still not a risk to male fertility.

  • hm

    Cicliştii de performanţă chiar au probleme de fertilitate. Cu toate astea, Lance Armstrong are 4 copii.
    Cît despre folosirea deodorantelor, un studiu realizat recent în tramvaiul 32 pare să-l confirme pe cel al Universităţii olandeze!

  • Harvey

    Pentru ca Lance Armstrong se dopeaza. Sau…

  • hm

    Ce-i drept, Lance şi-a congelat nişte provizii înainte de-a fi diagnosticat cu cancer testicular…

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